How does the Alchemy happen?      Courage   -  Compassion   -  Connection



Courage is what is required when one chooses to undergo a transformational process like coaching; a willingness to be vulnerable, to challenge long held beliefs, ideas, thoughts and venture into the unknown..



Compassion is the space within which you will find yourself when working with Renee. She’s been through similar experiences as her clients and can hold the space for you to feel and experience what needs to be felt and experienced. 



Connection is...     

 You. Your Odyssey. Renee. The Alchemy.     

Are you ready? Your Alchemy awaits!



Renee utilizes her 11 years as a certified personal coach, 7 years as a certified EFT and Matrix Reimprinting practitioner, and the wisdom gained from her own odyssey with cancer to create a compassionate space for her clients to experience the alchemy within their odyssey.  

Renee works in person, by phone or Skype. The first session is 90 minutes; subsequent sessions are 60 minutes. $150.00/ hour. Discounts are available for six and twelve session packages.